Stomach Surgery Cures Diabetes? I Don't Think So!

Perhaps you have seen the news story. The story is that having the type of surgery that shrinks your stomach so you can't eat as much will cure diabetes. Unfortunately, like so many other news stories, the details of the study paint a very different picture than the news headline.

The study was actually done with less than 30 individuals under going surgery. This automatically means not much reliability because it is too small of a sample. The people in the study were in a special program. They didn't just get surgery. They were also taught to eat fruits and vegetables with plenty of fiber and to exercise. They also had sessions every six weeks to review how they were doing and to get additional coaching.
The individuals chosen for this study had only recently been diagnosed (the last two years) with diabetes. Therefore they had not yet progressed to the point where the pancreas can no longer do it's job. For people in this condition it is very easy, if one is diligent, to reverse this problem with proper diet and exercise.

The diabetes did not disappear because of the surgery. The diabetes gradually subsided over the next couple of years following the surgery as they followed a healthy lifestyle.

It should also be remembered that these were individuals who had been extremely obese, and the ones who were able to reverse their diabetes where also the ones who lost the most weight. The surgery did help with weight loss.

The other thing that should be pointed out is that getting a little self control of portion sizes and taking your time when eating would be a much better way (and much less expensive) than surgery. The surgery will cost you around $20,000. Surgery does have complications. 1 in 1000 people die from the the type of surgery used in this study. 2 in 100 die from stomach stapling surgery. There are various other possible side effects associated with weight loss surgery. Repeated vomiting, acid reflux and nutritional problems.

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, take the time to learn what proper diet and exercise can do for you.

This surgery did not cure diabetes. The lifestyle changes that occurred after the surgery is what reversed the symptoms. There were also people in the control group (no surgery) who also reversed their diabetes. The only reason the surgery group had more success is they were forced to limit portions while eating. Of course they also had more incentive to make lifestyle changes so as not to waste the pain (both physical and financial) of the surgery.

So be your own motivation for the good of your health and your pocket book. Limit portions sizes and eat more often to lose weight. Eat as many raw fruits and vegetables as you can. Fiber is important. Drink plenty of water. Get a good amount of rest every night. Think positive and grateful thoughts. Get on a reasonable exercise program. Enjoy life.