Calories Do Not Matter
Nearly every weight loss diet on the plant will say you have to be aware of how many calories you are eating. That is just a bunch of poppycock.
Listen carefully. Calories have almost nothing to do with weight gain or loss. Stating it another way, the number of calories that you consume has nothing to do with whether or not you gain or lose weight.
The basic formula that diet pushers like to use is ‘calories in' minus ‘calories out' equals weight loss or gain. There could be some validity to that argument if there was any way to actually measure it. Outside of making you live in a bubble, there is not. The diet pushers try to tell you that if you eat fewer calories than you burn up with living and exercise you will lose weight. The problem is it simply isn't true. The major flaw in the theory that anyone can see if they actually think about it is that they ignore how many calories you may breath, sweat, urinate, and defecate.
We all know people who eat like a horse but still stay slim and trim. Why is that? Or maybe you're one of those people who eats like a bird and yet you still keep gaining weight. Everyone knows that the calorie myth doesn't work and yet still you hear it everywhere. Doctors, trainers, therapists, nutritionist nearly all continue to refer to calories (not to mention advertisements). It is mind boggling.
It isn't how many calories you eat that matters. It is what you eat and drink. There are a couple of important keys to optimize weight. Drink plenty of water (about a gallon a day) and eat good clean natural food with plenty of fiber, and exercise six days a week (enough to work up a good sweat).
If you go on a calorie cutting diet, your body will actually slow down your metabolism and try to store more fat to help you survive through the famine. Since you have probably taught your body to do this more and more as you try different calorie restricting diet ideas it will be important for you to eat five to six small meals each day to let your body know that there is no more famine. Eat a good breakfast in the morning and then make sure you eat something healthy (preferably raw natural fruits and veggies) every three hours until about two hours before bed time.
Your body will use the fiber and the water you are drinking to clean out your system and start to get your metabolism moving again.
If you eat more calories than your body can use, but they are calories from good healthy foods with their fiber intact and you are drinking plenty of water and getting some exercise your body will use what it wants and needs and dump the rest. Of course if you over eat way too much you can bog the body down in trying to deal with way too much stuff. But eat reasonably and don't skip meals.
The human body is a wonderful machine. Let it do its thing.
Any time someone talks to you about worrying about calories, just laugh and turn away. They obviously don't know what they are talking about.
Just eat a high quality natural foods diet, exercise, drink plenty of good clean water, make sure you get fiber (whole raw foods), get plenty of sleep, breath deeply and have a gratitude attitude.
Your body will take care of you, if you take care of it.
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