Eat all you want and still lose weight?

"Eat all your favorite foods! Eat as much as you want, of whatever you want, and still lose weight!" Have you heard claims like this before? This sounds too good to be true doesn't it? That's because it is. Here's what I say if you want to maximize your results: Know and understand what you're putting into your mouth. Am I starting to scare you? Well I hope not - you don't have to be extreme here, but you also do not want to rely on luck to become lean, do you? Do you know why so many people are selling this concept to people?
Because people WANT to believe it. I will say this though: If you are very overweight then "maybe" you will see some results if you go from eating two or three times a day to five or six...even if you are eating food with little nutritional value. (junk food) But if someone is telling you this is actually going to lead you to the body of your dreams then, well... I hate to spoil the party but it's just not going to happen. Does the truth sting a little? Well, then I have some very empowering news for you. Eating high-quality, nutritious food can be enjoyable and even incredibly delicious. Yes, it's true! In the book Living Life Lean I address exactly what kind of fuel is going to optimize your results, but for now let's use a little common sense and agree to the obvious: What you eat DOES matter.