Blood Clot Formation
Blood Clot Formation
If you ever wanted to know how blood clots, I am going to venture the explanation.
Blood clotting is simply to formation of a patch of blood products that create a band aid for the body. The blood can clot by means on internal (INTRINSIC) and external (EXTRINSIC) process.
Internal: is the INTRINSIC pathway of clotting inside of the blood vessel External: also called the EXTRINSIC is outside of the blood vessel; tissue injury
The primary basis for injury is exposure of the collagen that is under the endothelial (basic surface cells) linings of vessels and tissues. Collagen is the major protein in the formation of bone, ligaments, tendons, and teeth. Furthermore it provides a higher tensile strength to blood vessels. The presence of collagen in the skin is what gives it its elasticity: wrinkles come from degradation of the collagen in the skin. The important concept here is not the eye or the skin; it is the vessels in the body.
A blood clot can form from having an infection in the body, slow and turbulent blood flow to a vessel, bacterial endotoxins, formation of atheriosclerotic plaque (pre-existing), or stagnation of blood flow in a heart chamber. Atheriosclerotic plaques can develop from elevated cholesterol, smoking, poor diet, genetic predisposition, trauma, or lack of mobility (exercise is key in helping prevent clot formation).
Clots that form in the arteries, under higher pressures, are composed of platelet clumps that are bound together by fibrin protein strands. Clots in veins, under lower pressures are composed predominantly of red blood cells with fewer platelets, and contain a large amount of fibrin strands that are intertwined.
As the injured area is exposed circulating platelets begin to clump together (aggregate) at the site of injury. These platelets then release what we can simplify as transmitters to summon more platelets. The unique event is that the platelets change their shape and structure to expose a special layer of PHOPHOLIPIDS. This exposure assists these proteins that require that particular surface. These proteins (coagulation factors) cascade together to form a mesh called FIBRIN (which holds platelets together in a clot)
As this cascade continues it becomes very complex in regards to combinations of the other proteins involved.
When a clot forms it is called a thrombus (an example is the Deep Vein Thrombosis; DVT). If this thrombus becomes dislodged and it flows through circulation it is now referred to as an embolism (and example is the Embolic Stroke). These clots once lodged inside of a vessel will cause a slowing of blood flow or an obstruction of blood flow. If blood is diminished then there is a lack of nutrient exchange. If the clot blocks blood flow completely death of cells and tissues is most likely to occur. If cells tissues begin to die, the organ that they are associated with will not function properly.
The manner in which blood blots form will dictate the preventative measures. Blood clots can form as a result of high levels of cholesterol, smoking, poor diet, lack of exercise, surgery, trauma, autoimmune disorders, cardiac arrhythmias, pregnancy, and birth control pills. The list is probably endless, but prevention is paramount (aside from the unexpected)
Tips to reduce your chances of developing blood clots: Increasing mobility (improving circulation) Use of anti-clotting socks (like on long car and airplane rides) Stretching Improved diet with low fat and low cholesterol (aside from genetic disorders) Anti-Platelet drugs (another post will cover these) Electrocardiograms on a scheduled basis (monitor for arrhythmias) Exercise soon after surgery to mobilize blood flow Quitting smoking (no brainer)
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